The Curse Series is a group of paintings symbolically depicting different eras of labor, from manual labor and industrial labor and now with technological labor. My current work involves a theme of and about "the curse of labor and a short life" taken from Genesis 3, verse 19 - “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
Also I have figures in landscapes that have industrial overtones. I have always loved landscape, and they usually include the works of man; roads, poles, furrows, buildings, other elements of our modern life. The workers are timeless, faceless and symbolic. You will see thematic repetition throughout my work with working men & women toiling in the field. There is also a strong thread of old vs. new. Technology pitted against the warmth of our lives. Sprinkled in there are archetypes of farmers, soldiers, laborers and everyday mankind.
The Curse Series is a group of paintings symbolically depicting different eras of labor, from manual labor and industrial labor and now with technological labor. My current work involves a theme of and about "the curse of labor and a short life" taken from Genesis 3, verse 19 - “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
Also I have figures in landscapes that have industrial overtones. I have always loved landscape, and they usually include the works of man; roads, poles, furrows, buildings, other elements of our modern life. The workers are timeless, faceless and symbolic. You will see thematic repetition throughout my work with working men & women toiling in the field. There is also a strong thread of old vs. new. Technology pitted against the warmth of our lives. Sprinkled in there are archetypes of farmers, soldiers, laborers and everyday mankind.