R3MOTE CON7ROL, or “Remote control”

“R3MOTE CON7ROL” 48 x 36in, Size: M, Acrylic on Panel, Jeff Del Nero JUN2017

An "overkill" take on the concept of a remote control. When I started on this yellow paper series, many of the images were exaggerations of imagery.  This one definitely inspired by the 1925 silent film Battleship Potemkin. The drawings are made with paint pens and acrylic.

I think about any kind of weapon that may be compared to a remote control we use around the house. Point one towards the TV. Point one at the ceiling fan or wall-mounted air-conditioner. We are making stuff work from across the room with very little personal involvement. There is power in handheld devices. A battleship might be stationed hundreds of miles away from its target, yet it holds power from a distance.

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