Recently finding some more writings of Mako I keep getting inspired by the concept of our responsibility to cultivate culture — all the while we are immersed in a world that works against our vision of eternity.
…evidence of the hand of God in creation, with surrounding circumstances
Makoto Fujimura:
“To me, to paint is to practice the “Presence of God” in the process of creating. Whether I have a market for my work is secondary to the practice of the “art of seeing” that is fundamental to my being. I urge you to do the same: whether your “art” be painting, writing, theatre, dance, music-or being a first responder, or a nurse, or an engineer-develop your “inner eye” and create with faith.”
I am a fan of Mako’s position in the art world. He is able to influence our generation of artists whose work has been informed by a Christian worldview. With Mako’s reputation, he is able to navigate both worlds of contemporary art and faith. He has gained the respect of critics, galleries, and publishers and he uses that influence to stand for truth.