The great pyramids of Giza, Khufu, Cheops. B-2 Stealth Bomber. 1942. Math Lesson, A Tale of Two Cities, thinking about afterlife, and ways to maneuver the great beyond. Thinking about vehicles in that process.
“R3MOTE CON7ROL” 48 x 36in, Size: M, Acrylic on Panel, Jeff Del Nero JUN2017 An “overkill” take on the concept of a remote control. When I started on this yellow paper series, many of the images were exaggerations of imagery. This one definitely inspired by the 1925 silent film Battleship Potemkin. The drawings are made … Read more
The great pyramids of Giza, Khufu, Cheops. B-2 Stealth Bomber. 1942. Math Lesson, A Tale of Two Cities, thinking about afterlife, and ways to maneuver the great beyond. Thinking about vehicles in that process.